Wednesday 5 August 2009

Spaghetti with fresh tomato sauce

I was thinking that being italian I didn't post yet any recipe regarding the most famous dish from my country : spaghetti! (I already made Pizza here)

500 gr of Cherry Tomatoes
2 Garlic clove
1 Chilli pepper
400 gr of Spaghetti

Chop the tomatoes in half and add them to a pan with a bit of olive oil, the garlic and the chilli pepper

cook until the tomatoes are "melted"

Boil a big pot of water with a fist of coarse salt and cook the spaghetti until they are "al dente".
Remove the spaghetti from the water and add them to your sauce cook again the whole thing for a couple of minutes continuosly stirring (this is called "saltare gli spaghetti" make the spaghetti jump).

Buon appetito!!

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